Thursday, January 20, 2011

4 Years in Buxto and still earning

I've been a member of for almost 4 years and invested $3000 to them after 1 month I already earned $8000 to my account.. It's almost thrice my investment and I said wow that was awesome. So I continue clicking their ads that counts up to 70 ads per day which is I think the best of all PTC sites. With a very fast customer support and a good administration on their fellow members. 

My earning right now is $14000 which is almost x5 my invested and still earning. I already received my first payment which is $10 and now still waiting for my second payment of $999. I know it will be cleared soon. I will update each and everyone to my success on One thing I want to say to all doubters... Just keep clicking and start believing and to all believers I also have a words for all of you.... Just keep believing because is one of the best and oldest PTC sites ever. 

Don't blame them if it takes too long for our payment to be cleared it's not their fault actually it's the cheaters who makes the payment process takes too long. We must bare with the audit department of because they are the one who tracks cheaters and I know it gives them cephalgia because of millions of members in and half of them are cheaters. 

So, instead of discriminating and accusing them as a scam business why don't we just give them time to track and delete those cheaters and for sure after that. The processing days for premium members will be back to 30 business days and 60 business days to standard members. Just as I'm a BUXTO BELIEVER and here are some proof.

Here is my statistics:

And here is my payment history:

And here is some of my referrals:

Hurst Review Flash Player

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